Just Write

It's amazing how stories come out of my head when I least expect it. I used to tell people, "Ah, I've got to be in the mood to write. I need the groove to do it right."

This is true to a point, but then again, shouldn't I be able to write at any time? I claim to be a writer - isn't that what writers do? Write?

So, every night I write. If my book is not cooperating, I'll work on another project, or a shortstory, or my blogs. Fact is, I am always writing.

Professional baseball players don't practice their game only when they feel the groove or the inspiration of baseball - they practice constantly. They don't stay on top of their game if they don't.

So, like the ballplayer, we need to write. Doesn't matter what it is. Write something. Anything. Write to your heart's content. Never give up. Never give in. Get published.

Tenacity is preparation for an opportunity that may come when you least expect it.

But it takes luck to get published, or to land a literary agent, one might say.

Luck, my friend, is preparation meeting opportunity.

Keep Writing.

Get Published.


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